
Class Notes for Thursday, November 5

Page history last edited by David Crooks 15 years, 3 months ago

Overview / Highlights

Presenting today was Natalie Lawrence (whose name I may have misspelled), Her presentation focused on the:


"Symmetry and Duality in Persepolis on page 132"

The presenter points out the equal usage of black and white on the top and bottom of this page in particular.


Drawing our attention to the scene where th protagonist buys Kim Wylde tapes, she points out that all of the seedy businessmen are dressed in black while the protagonist has a white coat on.


Also noting that the dialogue boxes are on the top of the frame at the top of the page and on the bottom of the frame on the bottom of the page, adding symmetry and strengthening the frame.


Both the businessmen here and the protagonist have a moment where they look both ways causing their head to appear to have two faces, which is fitting with the deed they are committing.


Key Words


For the remainder of class we talked in depth about the role of reversals and the veil in the first half of Persepolis.

"What is under the surface, what is really going on?" -Sample


The teachers say one thing on day, then something else the next, depending on what they have been told to say.

"If you really want to change the world, you have to kill all of the teachers." -Sample, quoting someone

PG 113: Puts on a veil to hide her face like a mask, "you are only fooling yourself"

pg 117: Smokes the cigarette in rebellion against her dictator moth, who n fact is a rebel.

pg 105: putting a veil over the window to hide the super hip western party.


Near the end of class we were asked to answer a prompt:




The consensus was that the first half of the work was more historically charged than the second, but it would be impossible to tell the story of her own personal reflection without spending time on history.


Key Terms:


• an authoritative person who divines the future

• someone who speaks by divine inspiration; someone who is an interpreter of the will of God who divines the future

• someone who speaks by divine inspiration; someone who is an interpreter of the will of God

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