
Tuesday, October 20

Page history last edited by cfinch2 15 years, 3 months ago

 Presentation One:


Inescapable Family Bonds 

None of the family can escape their family ties

(diner page)

Interesting summary of family ties

Subtle images of ach stage of corrigan man’s life

The physical and mental similarities of all the Corrigan men


three existing corrigans (1st pannel)

Signiifcant for each man


Arrow serves two purposes

-guides readings

-mentally connects us to other images 

Never see the old mans face

Facing back to jimmy and his dad like the boyhood corrigan


Superman = Jimmy ideas of jimmy’s ideal father finall superman carrying Jimmy off


Red Hat= color is extremely significant


General summary of book

Depiction of inescapable aspect of family history



Presentation Two:


Appendix, upsidedown 


Father and mother’s relationship  romantics of the past 


-father figure everyone wants 

Great emotional understanding of his family

Mother dies in car crash

Jimmy Corrigan

-relate superman metaphor

trying to make this novel bigger than just a comic because of geography, a real demension and real life feel

Great fire of chicago, great images and realism. Wants it to hit home

Slavery and racism throughout the novel shown in appendix 

Family gaps

Icons and closure





Flying through the book because there are a lot of pages with no words


Intricacy vs. simplicity - the illustrations seem simplistic but are packed with detail


Some people should analyze the actual pictures because of their detail and importance because of each piece. 

i.eThe Diagrams and the use of confusion and clutter possibly inherent in the comics form and how Ware uses it to control the pace - arrows, etc. 


To slow us down

-spacing moments. Panel with words, then no words, then an answer to the questions he arises

-the awkwardness/isolation is highlighted by the empty panels


Or speed us up, in the case of the rolling script and how it seems to pull (me, at least) until that thought is finished


The Carl story in Understanding Comics, to show how many panels are necessary to the story, and what is added intentionally to pace, or set a different tone. There was a website that allows visitors to pull different panels from the Carl story and include any number, in order to explore the number of panels really "needed."  Does Ware use too many non worded pannels? Or does he do it in an artful manner?


-important because of ongoing tone/theme throughout the book ( great part to the story)  -Build up for the story, makes that uncomfortable feelings ,

-i.e UH or HAHA or I GUESS


-Mumbling over mouth


How does the stuttering, mumbling, and general lack of speaking ability in most characters (except those that rant) relate to the eloquence of the script narration? 


The discomfort of no page numbers, and how it literally slowed our class discussion.  What does this say about the novel, or Ware's reasoning for doing this?


The symbolism of the deformed horse, and how it represents Jimmy and possibly the relationships he builds.


The symbolism of the postcards, and their inherent and overt meanings:  ie the difference between what is shown and what is written of on the flip side. 

-Historical descriptions and stories, and modern images shown


The cleanliness of the lines - divisions between panels, emphasizes the idea of fragmentation - everyone separate.  This leads naturally in to the theme of 'collisions'. 

-thickness of lines as well; character outlines and borders



Idea of Jimmy Corrigan’s lifestyles

In his fathers life (aka DEATH) vs. Had he never met his real dad (would he had lived?)

Probability vs Will 


Collision between the mirror image of Jimmy and his Father.

Father vs Son (estranged)


Cultural Collisions

Racial tension, draft riots, post civil war tension, implied and outright stated

“we gave them their freedom and this is how....”

Two down trodden were battling each other, immigrant (Irish vs Italian) 

“I dont want you to think Im afraid of black people” When he meets his sister

Only other black characters we see are servants or lower class people

Amy is only one shown as an equal


-Collision of Irony

-i.e Superman shirt with broken foot when he goes to see Amy


-Collision of the romantic couples

-alot of tensions between the couples, in meetings and the way the interact together


-Reality vs imagination

- Real Jimmy vs Killer Jimmy vs Daydream Jimmy


Contrast between Jimmy and his grandfather's story 

- past vs present


Inner monologue vs outer


Reader feelings vs story feelings


Past and present


Collision of actual pannels


Intertextual collision


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